As soon as a storm or rain hits, your mind immediately goes to the roofing insurance claims.
Pouring roofs are a problematic situation. While looking up at the leakage, you ponder over several questions. How much more damage is in store? Will the leakage seep into the rest of the structure of the house? Will your belongings get ruined in the process?
Above all, the procedure of roof insurance claims unnerves you badly. It appears complex and is the last thing you want to get worried over amid the whole calamity.
This guide will help you in sorting out this hectic process.
Choosing the Right Contractor
It is important that you are going in the right direction for your roofing insurance claims. Insurance companies have complexities in their process and requirements. Therefore, you will have to go for an expert opinion when navigating through the procedure, i.e. a professional contractor.
Contractors are well-aware of the roofing insurance process and they carry out all the tasks for you, whether it be the form-filling of insurance companies or damage-control of your house.
However, not everyone contractor is an expert. Actual pro ones have considerable experience and appropriate connections needed for the job. They are completely knowledgeable and updated with the market. They know how to cater to the requirements of each of their clients.
To search for the right man for the job, you can ring up your neighbors, relatives, or friends for recommendations. Additionally, the internet is of great help as well.
Choose the contractor that is available to come to your house. A professional will get a concise assessment of the damage wrecked. Apart from that, if any other portion of your house has suffered damage in the process, they will recommend to you good electricians, carpenters, plumbers, etc. to restore that extra damage in the meanwhile.
Working With the Roofing Insurance Company
Insurance companies checkmark a lot of conditions before finalizing a response to your claim. They are very stringent in their approvals, and they can easily reject your claim if you do not fulfill even the slightest requirements.
This is where the contractors prove as useful. Prior to making roofing insurance claims, they can assist you in finding out whether the damage is easily repairable or not.
Is It Worth To Make A Roofing Insurance Claim Or Not?
In some situations, the damage to the roof or the entire house is not huge, even under stormy conditions. This kind of damage can be easily repaired through your own efforts and expenses.
This is because there is a cost of deductibles in insurance claims that you will have to pay on-the-spot.
You will have to ensure that the insurance deductibles are not costing you equal to or more than the normal repair expense. Therefore, if the contractor gives you the estimate which is in favor of personal repair, drop the idea of making a claim.
It will be better to bring in the required personnel (i.e. plumbers, electricians, etc.) and get the work done. Your contractor can also provide you with the workers.
However, if the damage is severe, then do not hesitate any further for ringing up the insurance company.
Rejection of Your Claim
Claims get rejected quite easily. If the damage is not severe, the insurance company will reject your request based on the factor that you can or could have repaired the damage or prevented the roof disaster in the first place.
Whenever a claim is filed, insurance companies send in an assessor who inspects the damage. They see the nature and reality of the damage. In other words, they are looking for proof of your claim.
Claim Approval
After the assessment, the company sends the estimate. It is the total cost estimate which you and the contractor review.
The next step is the claim acceptance and arrival of the first cheque. This cheque is a half-payment of your damages.
The amount is used to purchase the materials needed.
Afterward, when the work is finished, your contractor makes a detailed invoice to enumerate the remaining charges. This is the cue that you will now receive your remaining claim amount.
This is the last stage and the project is now complete.